Governor Abbott Announces Border Security Funding

Governor Greg Abbott says Texas will provide one-billion-dollars towards border security.  The governor announced this week the money will go to the Texas National Guard and the Department of Public Safety.  The money is earmarked to help fund those agencies’ supportive role to the federal Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agencies’ […]

Securing TX Border Proves Difficult

By Brien Straw, Houston Public media News for Audio Texas

HOUSTON – The Texas legislature has committed $800 Million to securing the Mexican border, but improving security in one part of the state may be reducing it in others.

Opposition to Border Surge Splits Cong. Hispanic Congress

SAN ANTONIO – The debate over Immigration-reform has shifted to the GOP-led Congress. And on Wednesday President Obama met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to discuss how they might proceed. But there is some division in the caucus over border security.

Obama To Meet Mexico’s President Today

MONTERREY, MEXICO – President Obama travels south today to meet with Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto. Under this new administration, Mexico wants to shift focus away from fighting drug traffickers to strengthening the economy.

New Bill Would Require DHS to Develop Border Security Plan

SAN ANTONIO – The Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee and a Texas Senator have introduced a bill that would require the Department of Homeland Security to develop a national strategy plan to secure the border.

Solving the Problem of Visa Overstays

EL PASO – Of over 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country, some 40 percent actually entered the U.S. legally. They came on a temporary visa. Trouble is once they got here, they decided to stay. Tracking them down is one of the biggest challenges facing the Department of Homeland Security.

Congress Debates What a Secure Border Looks Like

SAN ANTONIO – As Washington D.C. prepares to tackle comprehensive immigration reform, a critical part of that deal is securing the southern border. But at a congressional hearing Tuesday, it was clear there’s disagreement over what a secure border looks like.

Sequestration Cuts Will Slash Border Patrol and Hobble Border Trade

SAN ANTONIO – If Congress isn’t able to avoid the automatic budget cuts of Sequestration, then border protection and legitimate border traffic could suffer.

Immigration Reform Business/Labor Compromise

PHOENIX – As the push for comprehensive immigration reform continues in Congress with public hearings, behind the scenes, different interest groups are holding their own negotiations. Business and labor have emerged from talks, and now agree any bill should address the need for better data to guide future visas for immigrant workers.

El Paso Leaders Say Border Security Unnecessary

LAS CRUCES – The border city of El Paso wants to be a voice in the national debate over immigration reform and city leaders are saying “enough” to border enforcement.