Album Review: “Fun House” by Hand Habits

Fun House is the newly released third album from alternative artist Hand Habits. This album has twelve song that takes just over forty minutes to listen to. The album starts off strong with songs like “More Than Love” and “Aquamarine”. The songs have upbeat tempos and soft vocals.

Each of the songs on this album are unique. They all carry different sounds and utilize different techniques to make it their own. In the song “Just to Hear You” there is a part of the song that is done completely in a whisper. More than one voices doing the whisper, but they are not in sync. This makes that part of the song a bit hard to understand what was being said. The song would be better if they were in sync.

There were also times through out the album where lyrics were getting a bit repetitive. In the song “False Start” the line “You missed the best part” is said ten times to close out the song.  This made the song seem like it was dragging out the finish. The song would be just as effective if it was said about three or four times.

A standout song on this album is “Gold/Rust”. The music is stellar. It has this intensity about it and I think it really adds to the quality of the song. This song is a must listen by Hand Habits.

Overall, this is a decent album. There are some gems here that can be appreciated by listeners but there are also some songs that can be easily forgotten.

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