TTU Police Give All-Clear on Bomb Threat

An all clear was given on Texas Tech campus at 4:39 p.m. after police removed a suspicious package from the parking lot of Talkington Hall.

The package sparked concerns of a bomb threat two hours earlier. An initial automated phone call from the university advised all buildings needed to be evacuated and students needed to leave campus. However, a second alert from Texas Tech said officials were investigating a suspicious package and the evacuation of all buildings was not necessary, but everyone did need to stay away from the Talkington Hall area.

TTU Police, LPD and other emergency officials arrived on the scene after the initial alert was sent to students. By 2:55 p.m., the bomb squad arrived on the scene. An hour later, another alert message was sent out saying, “The bomb squad continues to evaluate a suspicious device that is attached to a vehicle east of Talkington Hall.”

At 4:39 p.m., a message was sent to students reporting the suspicious device had been placed in a containment pod and removed from campus. Officials continued to search the area, and asked for students to continue tons tay away.

Texas Tech officials released a statement following the incident:

“Texas Tech Police Department (TTPD) received a call this afternoon concerning a “suspicious package” in the parking lot east of Talkington Hall. TTPD, along with the bomb squad unit of the Lubbock Police Department and Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, responded, contained the device and removed it from campus. The situation is still under investigation by TTPD and other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.”

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