GMTT- College Radio Day and Students Ending Slavery


Today GMTT covered some great issues covering a multitude of topics. Amy Olivarez went to the White House last week to promote College Radio Day on November 4th and Anna Claire Beasley discussed Human Trafficking and the Students Ending Slavery organization.

College Radio Day is an annual event showcasing the many advantages of college radio broadcasting. College radio is at the heart of radio, musicians, music and a variety of programming that encourages a diverse content structure for many different styles and tastes. This year College Radio Day is on November 4th and radio stations nationwide will be broadcasting for a full non-stop 24 hour period. KTXT 88.1 FM will start its celebration at 8 a.m. Friday through 8 a.m. the next day. Be prepared for a full day of specialty shows, live broadcasts, events around campus and on the First Friday Art Trail. More info can be reached at and

Anna Claire Beasley can into the studio to discuss the Students Ending Slavery organization regarding Human Trafficking today. This was a very enlightening interview and it was a pleasure to help promote this cause. Thursday November 3rd at 6 p.m. in the Double T room at the Sub this organization will have a meeting for all to attend.

Friday November 11th at 6 p.m. Students Ending Slavery will be co-hosting a documentary showing of Playground with the Human Rescue Coalition and Social Work student organization at the Escondido theatre at 6 p.m. There will be a brief info session afterwards with the Human Rescue Coalition.

Any one interested in more information about Students Ending Slavery Contact

Make sure to tune in to GMTT every Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. and keep it locked to the left!




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