GMTT–Woman Crush Wednesday


GMTT–Award winning author Jaron Lanier dropped by the studio this morning for Good Morning Texas Tech as a preview to the lecture that he gave this evening on the Tech campus. This was part of the Humanities Center’s 20616-17  FUTURES theme.

It was great to speak with Pamera Culp this morning as she came enlightened everyone on heart disease awareness. Pamera is committed to the cause walking up early, really early to get in her exercise each day to practice what she promotes. Very respectable. As someone who had gone through heart problems and successfully moved through them, Pamera encourages everyone to gear up and join in the Heart Walk that will be held at the Frazier Alumni Pavillion this Saturday October 29th at 8 a.m.

Other than on air mic throat clearing to be the main ‘what grinds my gears’ topic, the highs and lows of the CBI trip to Philadelphia were very entertaining. Rocky Steps…need I say more.

A minor question but a debatable answer. What kind of donut would you be? Sprinkles, jelly filled, cake donut, glazed. The list goes on but DG takes the prize with his Homer D’OH!nut. Strawberry with sprinkles.

Check out our pictures and fun times on all of our social media outlets: facebook, snap, twitter, instagram at theraider881 and definitely keep it locked to the left right here on 88.1 FM The Raider every Wednesday and Friday for more GMTT.

Turning a Good Morning into a great day!



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