Perry sits down with GOP to discuss Medicaid Expansion

Rick PerryBy Ryan Poppe, Texas Public Radio News

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AUSTIN – Governor Rick Perry sat down for a roundtable discussion on what will be Texas’ answer for the issue of Medicaid Expansion.

Outside the doors of the Governor’s office, dozens with the group Texans Organizing Project chanted and protested against what has been Governor Rick Perry’s stance to not accept a federal Medicaid expansion plan but rather implement a  plan designed by the state.

RICK PERRY:  “The problem is that the federal government, they don’t think we are smart enough or they don’t trust us to run these programs ourselves in the state.  I will suggest to you it’s just the opposite”

Governor Perry mentioned the need to implement asset test and health savings account for those needing the help of Medicaid.

PERRY:  “Listen everybody can pay something, I totally don’t buy into the concept, even if its 50 cents.  The bigger question, why should someone who is at 400-percent of the poverty level why should they being absolutely nothing into the program”

The Governor is meeting behind closed doors with the members of the state’s Republican Caucus, Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz as well as the Lt. Governor David Dewhurst.  While across the dome San Antonio Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro and his brother San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro advocated for the need to expand Medicaid.

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